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DIV Warm-ups Week 3

Dienstag, 21. Januar
No warm-up, Jr. High reflection

DIV Warm-up für Mittwoch (BERGFEST), den 22. Januar


Page through chapter 4, and answer the questions.

  1. Which two major grammar topics are in chapter 4? (S. 99, 105)
  2. Where have you been and felt like an Ausländer? (S. 102)
  3. What does the chapter title mean in English? (S. 93)
  4. What information is on the pie chart? (S. 98)
  5. What information is on the graph? (S. 106)  
  6. What is a German synonym of Streit? (S. 96)

Slang: Was gibt's = What's up?


DIV Warm-up für Donnerstag, den 23. Januar


Write the correct German words that fit each description.

  1. Paul is always okay with whatever his friends want to do.
  2. Hans is a cool guy I can hang out with.
  3. My mom and I get along well.
  4. My last report card was terrible, and I got a real earful at home.
  5. John and Susie are married, Monica and Britta are sisters...
  6. Tom, Jerry, Tweety, and Elmer…They're quite the group.

Slang: Was geht ab? = What's goin' on?


Thursday Bonus Question

Answer in a complete sentence in German.  Mit wem verstehst du dich sehr gut?


DIV Warm-up für FREITAG, den 24. Januar


Schreib es auf Deutsch!

  1. I cannot stand Tuesdays.
  2. They belong to (dem) German club.
  3. Politics is often the point of contention.
  4. With whom do you get along really well?
  5. He has a lot of tolerance.
  6. I have a problematic relationship with my (meiner) homework.

Slang: Mach's gut! = Have a good one!