Pride Time


What is Pride Time:


  • An opportunity during the school day for students to receive content/skill support (Boost), additional time to practice a skill or get caught up on assignments (Recovery), or educational or social-emotional experiences/support beyond the classroom instruction (Enhancement)
  • Students will have the ability to select sessions from a list of teacher offerings at during Advisory for the upcoming week.
  • Teachers may request a student if they are currently unsuccessful in a class or need additional support and parent/guardians may request student placement when support is needed by contacting their student’s teacher.
  • Pride Time will be during 6th period on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week, except for the first week after fall, winter, and spring break.
  • We will always have Advisory the first day of the week to ensure students are signed up for sessions.


Student Expectations:

  1. All students must attend Pride Time and are expected to participate in the teacher’s session. Only exceptions are students that have an afternoon course at the Area Career Center (ACC) or On the Job Training (OJT) periods 5-8/7-8.
  2. All students are expected to keep track of their grades weekly in their planner, this will also help with selecting sessions for the week.
  3. Students will log into by clicking the red tab “Sign in with Google” with their district Google account. If you are having Google account issues, please let your advisor know and ask them to sign you up for sessions. Any teacher is able to sign a student up for sessions, if needed.
  4. After signing up for sessions at, be sure to click “save” and write down the teacher/location in your planner to ensure you attend the right session.
  5. You will not be allowed to stay in a session, if you are not on the teacher’s roster for the day. Be sure to sign-up when the scheduling window opens weekly. Some sessions may fill up fast!
  6. The student scheduling window will open every Friday during 6th period Advisory and close at the end of Advisory each Monday (or the first school day of the week). You may access from home over the weekend to adjust your sessions as needed.
  7. Teacher requested sessions will appear in your schedule with a check mark next to it and cannot be changed. Teacher suggestions may appear in your schedule but can be changed if you desire.
  8. When a session has reached its maximum seat count, it will no longer show up as an option to select. You will have to pick a session based on what is available when you log on to
  9. Attendance during Pride Time days, will happen in FlexiSCHED so there will be a delay in the Gradebook. The attendance and tardy policy still applies and consequences will be given accordingly.
  10. No passes will be allowed during Pride Time, unless it is an emergency.


Please take advantage of this opportunity to get support during the school day!



Parent Support:

  1. Students will be selecting their sessions, through FlexiSCHED for Pride Time every Friday and/or Monday (first day of the week). Please consider working with your student to check grades and assessments. Encourage them to attend sessions that meet their academic needs.
  2. Please talk with your student on balancing between extra-curriculars and using the time to complete academic work.
  3. Students are required to attend Pride time, so we highly encourage students to select sessions based on their needs. Teachers may request or suggest a student to a session. Failure to attend their assigned session will be treated as a skipped class with consequences assigned accordingly.
  4. Encourage students to seek opportunities to further develop skills or interests.
  5. Reach out to your student’s classroom teacher or the Main Office if you have any questions regarding Pride Time.


Pride Time session types:

Boost (Green) content/skill reinforcement and support

Recovery (Purple) assignment/assessment make-up, skills practice, work time with a specific purpose

Enhancement (Blue)educational opportunities beyond the classroom, help with life after high school (college and career readiness), guest speakers, social emotional support