Due to the extreme weather conditions, the decision has been made to cancel in-person learning for Friday, January 12, and conduct an e-learning day.
An e-learning day means the school day moves forward completely online. Teachers have posted details in their Google Classroom with specifics for each grade level or class.
Students are to log onto Google Classroom at the beginning of the school day to receive details:
- PreK-grade 6 - 8:30 a.m.
- Jr. High - 8:15 a.m.
- Thurgood Marshall Learning Center - 8:00 a.m.
- High School - 8:30 a.m.
To be counted present on an e-Learning Day, students are to log into Google Classroom and complete the activities teachers conduct each class period. Contact your child's school directly if you have internet issues. Attendance will be adjusted, if internet issues arise.
The Rock Island-Milan Board of Education approved the use of e-Learning for Emergency Days at the October 24, 2023 meeting.
Attached Files
- District #02597 Swahili Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf
- District #02597 Spanish Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf
- District #02597 Pashto Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf
- District #02597 Karen Webpost E Learning Day-140ee (1).pdf
- District #02597 Dari Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf
- District #02597 Chin(Hakha) Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf
- District #02597 Burmese Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf
- District #02597 Arabic Webpost E Learning Day - 140e (1).pdf