More than 100 Professionals Participate in Rocky's Career Day

One hundred and thirty-nine people from the community volunteered to spend the day at Rock Island High School speaking to students. This was the second year the high school hosted Career Day. 
View the list of participants below.
The day kicked off with a guest speaker. Gregg Johnson, Illinois State Representative for the 72nd District spoke to students in the auditorium. You can listen to his speech here
Career Day exposed students to a variety of careers and professions, including teaching, law enforcement, politics, environmental action, and sales are just a few that were represented on Career Day.
The event also helped students see the connection between classroom curriculums and careers and jobs.
"Not only did I want to create a way to expose students to a variety of different careers but also give them the opportunity to network with professionals in their community," said Dr. Grandberry Pugh. 
A BIG thank you to all of the professionals who volunteered for Career Day!
Special thanks to the Career Day Committee who helped organize the event: Dr. Yolanda Grandberry Pugh, Briana Nelson, Maria Schrup Hanrahan, Tina Eygabroad, CJ Smith, Christina Dyer, Karolyn Ingle, Lonnie Behnke, Lorelei Andedo, and Dan Logan. 
professionals speaking to RIHS students
professionals speaking to RIHS students
professionals speaking to RIHS students
professionals speaking to RIHS students
professionals speaking to RIHS students
City of Rock Island employees with RIHS students
professionals speaking to RIHS students
Principal Jeff Whitaker speaking to students
Principal Jeff Whitaker speaking to students
IL State Rep Gregg Johnson speaking to students
IL State Rep Gregg Johnson was the guest speaker for Career Day
Dr. Grandberry Pugh speaking to students
Dr. Grandberry Pugh speaking to students
group picture of 100 professionals at Career Day
100 professionals who participated in Career Day!