Former Exchange Student Makes a Special Visit to Rocky

Dr. Peter Rössler graduated from Rocky in 1960 as an exchange student. He was in town for his 60th high school reunion. 
RIHS German Department has participated in the GAAP (German-American Partnership Program) exchange program for many years. It's a two-way homestay exchange and takes place every two years. 
The primary goal of GAPP is to integrate students into everyday life with host families and into the classroom activities of host schools to foster an understanding of both German and American cultures.
Over the summer RIHS students get to visit Germany and then in the fall German students get to come to Rock Island. 
Dr. Rössler talked to students about the importance of learning other languages and cultures, and the power of student exchange. What an incredible opportunity for our students!
german visit
From left to right: Dr. Rössler, his companion Assunta Maye, and German Teacher Nick Eli