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Rock IslandHigh School

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Students Rally at the Rock

As school let out on Friday, August 20, students headed over to the east lawn at Rock Island High School for some fun!

Every year the high school hosts "Rally at the Rock", a way to welcome students back to school, but also let them know about the activities that are available for them at the high school.

Sports teams and clubs had tables set up outside so students could learn more about them and how they could join. 

Students got a performance from the Rock Island High School cheerleaders.

There were plenty of things to do too, from an inflatable obstacle course, bags, a friendly competition of tug of war, and a dunk tank, because who wouldn't want to dunk their teacher? 

The Red & Gold Scirrmage game was immediately after and students who stayed for the game got to watch for free. The celebrity coaches this year for the game were Superintendent Dr. Lawrence, RIHS Principal Mr. Whitaker, for the Red Team, and RIHS Lady Rocks Basketball Coach Mr. Hall, and RIHS Boys Basketball Coach Mr. Polite for the Gold Team.

It was a great way to kick off the school year!








RIHS teacher Kelly Young and RIHS Principal Mr. Whitaker participate in tug of war.


Mr. Campbell waits to be dunked.




