Rock Island High School Home
Home Page 2024

90% Student Attendance
82% Graduation Rate
6,125 Total Enrollment
13 Schools
News & Announcements
RIHS Principal focus group dates announced

RIHS Principal focus group dates announced
District staff are asking for the public's opinions as we decide who will lead Rock Island High School
RIHS 2024-2025 National Honor Society Induction

RIHS 2024-2025 National Honor Society Induction
The annual ceremony recognizes student's academic success and volunteer work in the community.
Rock Island High School Principal to step down after 2024-25 school year

Rock Island High School Principal to step down after 2024-25 school year
A nationwide search for a replacement will begin immediately
Rock Island High School and Frances Willard Elementary named RIMSD #41 F.A.C.E. schools of the quarter

Rock Island High School and Frances Willard Elementary named RIMSD #41 F.A.C.E. schools of the quarter
The honor is presented to exemplary schools (and their staff) by our district’s Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Team
New Rock Island Athletics app now available!

New Rock Island Athletics app now available!
It's a free download for all Apple and Android devices.
News & Announcements
- RIHS Principal focus group dates announced
- RIHS 2024-2025 National Honor Society Induction
- Rock Island High School Principal to step down after 2024-25 school year
- Rock Island High School and Frances Willard Elementary named RIMSD #41 F.A.C.E. schools of the quarter
- New Rock Island Athletics app now available!

RIHS Principal focus group dates announced
District staff are asking for the public's opinions as we decide who will lead Rock Island High School

RIHS 2024-2025 National Honor Society Induction
The annual ceremony recognizes student's academic success and volunteer work in the community.

Rock Island High School Principal to step down after 2024-25 school year
A nationwide search for a replacement will begin immediately

Rock Island High School and Frances Willard Elementary named RIMSD #41 F.A.C.E. schools of the quarter
The honor is presented to exemplary schools (and their staff) by our district’s Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Team

New Rock Island Athletics app now available!
It's a free download for all Apple and Android devices.
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About Us
Welcome to our school! We believe that parent participation is key to student success; our new website is designed to provide parents with all the information they need to be active participants in their student’s education. You will find that the site works just as well on mobile devices as it does on a desktop so you can find information on the go.